At a point in my life when I am feeling pretty down; managing to engage in writing by active choice rather than the easy process it has been at times, some small ‘Flashes of Hope’ have really made my week.
I had some great news about my last TMA for my course – a really satisfying grade that reflects the effort I put in for the last assignment in that section of the module, with some helpful feedback that will contribute to my next few weeks’ work on the final project.
Some good news about a submission – watch this space later in the year for official news on that one. Suffice to say that it is nice to find a home for something I have worked on for a while.
And then receiving my contributor’s copy of ‘Flashes of Hope’ – the print collection I had my short story published in earlier this year. That little parcel of joy dropping through the letter box this morning has given me a much-needed boost.