It has been something of a year – year and a half. When I last blogged, it was to share the news that one of my works was finally coming out in print. Since then, I have finished my chemotherapy, returned to work, bought a house, had another tumour diagnosed, another brain surgery and moved into our new house.
I haven’t even looked at my WIP novel since February 2022 (until today).
Today, after carrying out some of my physio advised activities – typing – I realised I was suddenly in the mood to write again. And opened it up...once I had worked out where I’d got to, I managed to get the final chapter written and even organised the pre-prologue section. I then compiled it into a docx manuscript and edited some formatting issues and did a basic spelling and grammar check.
I still have the denouement to write, but I am considering the first draft complete.
I was going to write my blog today about my other hobbies; which are many due to a very short attention span and the high I get from immersing myself in a new distraction.
So apart from getting deeply obsessed with jigsaws and sudoku, this year I taught myself to crochet, and invested in some lego kits – I made a bonsai tree and an orchid. Which is great because I love both but I’m terrible at keeping plants alive.

Final outcome Bonsai with the greenery – option 2 is the blossom to be completed in the spring
